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how well is your team performing?


the team alchemy survey


Many teams aspire to high performance but team members often disagree about what it means and where their team is at. Team alchemy uses online survey tools to measure the state of your team's performance, from an internal team and external stakeholders' perspective.


the team alchemy survey has two distinct components:

  • a 36 item questionnaire completed by all internal team members
  • an 11 item questionnaire completed by a selection of key external stakeholders (your facilitator-coach provides guidance on identifying relevant participants).


Each item consists of a statement, and a rating scale on which participants identify the extent to which they agree with that statement.


Your team will be provided with a report rating its overall performance from both an internal and external perspective. The report will detail separate ratings for each of the six elements in the team alchemy model.



the team alchemy survey is useful in helping:

  • benchmark your team's current state of performance
  • identify your current location in the team alchemy lifecycle, and consequently the best actions to take your team performance to the next level
  • diagnose your team's individual strengths and weaknesses
  • monitor, track and compare team performance during the life cycle of a team
  • gain a vital understanding of how your team is perceived by its external stakeholders.









 team alchemy survey - video podcast



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